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The Top 5 Mistakes Home Bartenders Make

Want to level up your cocktail game? Avoid these common pitfalls.

It’s safe to say the pandemic turned most of us into home bartenders, but whether you took the last 15 months to level up your cocktail game or just kept things basic, there are a few mistakes our resident mixologist and Mixed Messages host Clare Ward says all home bartenders should avoid. Check out Clare’s Top 5 Home Bartender Mistakes in this latest episode, then take a sip down memory lane and revisit some of our favorite cocktails from Season 1!

It’s safe to say the pandemic turned most of us into home bartenders, but whether you took the last 15 months to level up your cocktail game or just kept things basic, there are a few mistakes our resident mixologist and Mixed Messages host Clare Ward says all home bartenders should avoid. Check out Clare’s Top 5 Home Bartender Mistakes in this latest episode, then take a sip down memory lane and revisit some of our favorite cocktails from Season 1!

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