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Mixed Messages’ California Cocktail Challenge

Think your mixology skills are second to none? Prove it!

On this season of Mixed Messages, our resident bartender Clare Ward (@cocktails_by_clare) has taught you how to make everything from spicy watermelon margaritas to creamy delicious pisco sours. Now it’s YOUR turn. Show us your mixology skills by taking part in our California Cocktail Challenge. It’s easy! First, follow the formula below to craft your drink. Each drink needs to have the following ingredients in the following ratios, but you choose the goods. (Bonus points for selecting California-based items, of course.)

California Cocktail Challenge Formula

  • • 1½ oz. of a spirit, your choice
  • • 1 oz. liqueur, your choice
  • • 1 oz. freshly squeezed citrus
  • • 1 oz. 1-to-1 sweetener

Once you’ve crafted your concoction, enter the challenge by snapping a pic of your cocktail and posting it to IG with #californiacocktailchallenge—and don’t forget to tag us @ourgoldenstate!

Need some inspo? Check out past episodes of Mixed Messages!

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