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Local Skaters Find Community and Connection in the Heart of Hollywood

Welcome to an urban “Babylon” for skaters of the new generation.

Lee Spielman and Garrett Stevenson, co-creators of the punk band Trash Talk, double down on the skating culture that dominated their youth and pay it forward with the introduction of Babylon in Hollywood. Part retail shop, part daytime skate facility and part community center, the duo hopes Babylon will serve its local demographic from all corners.

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According to a story in LA Magazine, “To Spielman, music and skateboarding both offered forms of release from the daily struggles of teenage life. Now Babylon gives him a way to make that accessible to a diverse group of young people. The shop itself, located near the corner of Highland and Fountain, operates more as a clubhouse than a traditional boutique. There’s a skate bowl, open for anybody to use, space for hosting small concerts or movie screenings, and tables and benches for kids to just hang out, make friends, pursue their creative interests, and, as Spielman notes, avoid trouble.”

You can read more about Babylon and the journey to its creation here.

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