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Have You Tuned in to One of These Podcasts About California?

Celebrating National Podcast Day on September 30

Whether during our daily commute or between Zoom calls at home, listening to podcasts has become a routine habit for many. With so many to choose from, chances are you’ve compiled a robust queue of episodes to feed your curiosity. If your interest is peaked by California-themed content, Visit California put together a list of podcasts that cover a variety of topics across the Golden State. Here are a few of our favorites:

Bay Curious

“Have you ever noticed that the Golden Gate Bridge seems to howl? Or wondered how Rice-a-Roni became the San Francisco Treat? This delightful podcast from KQED attempts to answer any question—and we mean, any question—a listener has about the Bay Area. Host Olivia Allen-Price explores myths, legends, quirks, and realities about life in this bustling region.”


L.A. Meekly

“Two Los Angeles history buffs geek out while telling tales from the City of Angels in this independent monthly podcast. From famous places and faces to legendary nightclubs, natural disasters, corrupt politicians, and unsolved mysteries, there’s more than enough L.A. lore here to keep you entertained on your commute, on a hike, or wherever.”


California Foodways

“The odds are high that the fresh produce you picked up at your local grocery store was grown in California. The state’s fertile valleys provide a third of the nation’s veggies and two-thirds of its fruit. Podcast host Lisa Morehouse traverses the Golden State to bring us stories of food, farming, and the people behind the booming (and incredibly important) agricultural industry. You may want to prepare a bite to eat before listening, because this show will definitely make you hungry.”


Two Glasses In

“This one’s for the oenophiles. Third-generation winegrower Bion Rice travels around Santa Barbara‘s wine country in this nine-episode podcast, sharing indelible moments with notable winemakers in the region. Their conversations cover life, wine, and everything in between. And, as advertised, each episode plays out over two glasses of the local vintage.”


The Reel

“If you’re a movie or TV buff, you’ll want to bookmark this pod. The Los Angeles Times produces this weekly podcast (currently on hiatus) that features the latest Hollywood buzz as well as in-depth conversations with actors, directors, producers, and other industry A-listers.”



“For the Disneyphiles out there, this might be the happiest podcast on earth. This is the official show of the Walt Disney Family Museum, located in San Francisco’s historic Presidio, and it celebrates the man behind the magic with stories and conversations about his life and work. You’ll learn about Walt Disney’s childhood, find out who Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is (spoiler: it’s a certain mouse’s predecessor), and hear all about Mickey from the man who voices him.”



Get the full list here.

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