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Exploring the Sites and Bites of Food-Friendly Sacramento

A handbook guide to some Capital assets.

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Onsen Delivers a Summertime Love Anthem in the Heart of Winter

“The March,” co-produced by Brook D’Leau (J*Davey, Miguel), is the latest from Boston-born, Echo Park-based Onsen.


One Man’s Journey From Los Angeles to Tijuana in a Kayak

When Andrew Szabo, a 46-year-old Manhattan Beach entrepreneur, told his wife that his midlife crisis involved the purchase of an ocean kayak and the desire to paddle from MB to Tijuana, her reaction was simple: “Have a good trip, and make sure your life insurance premiums are paid.” What followed were three months of intense preparations, a life-changing journey and becoming part of the global battle to raise awareness for tuna overfishing.

Arts + Culture, Experiences, Visual Art

A Masked LA Artist Is Installing Benches at Neglected Bus Stops

He’s turning an oversight into a creative public project for good.

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