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Eden Iris’ “Blue Home” Is the Ballad We All Need Right Now

A full-length album is due in the fall of 2020.

Originally from New Zealand but now living in Los Angeles, Eden Iris’ career took off at a very young age. In 2011, the singer/songwriter took home both the SmokefreeRockquest National Women’s Musicianship Award and the Play It Strange Peace Song Award, and since moving to LA has collaborated with a string of notable musicians. The brooding yet hopeful “Blue Home” is the first track off what she hopes will be a late summer or early fall full-length.

“I wrote ‘Blue Home’ to process what was happening for me at the time. The events are personal, but the song is about feeling shut out, rejected, and wanting to be loved,’ Eden told AudioFemme. “It’s also about holding onto hope, which is what the bridge lyrics “dreams will leave the room” are about. I wanted the song to feel melancholic but also uplifting to the listener.

You can listen to “Blue Home” and read a full Q&A with the young artist here.

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