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Anna Vogelzang Releases Self-Titled Single From Her Forthcoming Beacon

The new songs “have California in their blood,” says the singer/songwriter and new mother.

Anna Vogelzang was born in Boston and spent 10 years living in Madison, Wisconsin, but like any devoted singer/songwriter, she’s spent the greater portion of her life on the road, fine-tuning her sound in bars, coffee shops and small venues around the country. Beacon, co-produced by Tyler Chester (Andrew Bird, Joan Baez) is her seventh full-length, and her first since moving to Los Angeles. “These songs have California in their blood,” she says. “All of them written in this new city, on a new journey, climate, home, community. They were written to process these huge transitions—transitions of place, and into motherhood.”

The full LP for Beacon will be released October 4 on Paper Anchor Music. To read more about the album and listen to the title track, click here.

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